Wednesday 3 July 2013


We're off to the smoke for a couple of days to catch up with the visiting New York contingent of the family, where we'll be swapping the veritable cacophony of birdsong that currently forms the soundtrack of our lives here, for the more general cacophony that is London.

A recently arrived and very welcome visitor to these parts is a lone Nightingale who has taken up residence in the tree across the lane, from where he flits back and forth to our chimney, charming all and sundry with his astounding range of whistles and trills. Bit of a show-off really.


C said...

How brilliant to see and hear a nightingale! (Jealous...)

Hope you have a great time in the city. (You've also reminded me of when I stayed the night there one time, in a very central built-up part - and was kept awake most of the night by a robin singing!)

The Swede said...

Alas, we were gone for just 48 hours in which time our little friend appears to have moved on. It was good while it lasted though.

Robins and Blackbirds are by far our most convivial regular visitors. The Blackbird's song is probably my favourite, up until the Nightingale's arrival anyway! The noisiest locals are undoubtedly the Swifts who scream up and down the lane and over the back garden before slamming to a halt under an available roof tile. Incredible birds, but they move too fast for me to photograph!

Old Pa's Corner said...

Fantastic even to have had a short experience of a nightingale...funily enough I was listening to some PJ the other day

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